by wetoska | Feb 19, 2021 | News
For almost 35 years, Wetoska Packaging Distributors (WPD) has established itself as a family-owned provider of innovative and customer-centric packaging solutions for the cheese and dairy sector. Now, in the midst of an evolving demand landscape and a global pandemic, the company continues to focus on its customers’ unique needs and providing quality services at a competitive price point. Click here to read the rest of the...
by wetoska | Mar 14, 2018 | News
America’s food landscape is one of many twists and turns. Cultural diversity, ethnic tastes and flavors and the ascent of regional cuisines have set the stage for the introductions of boundless varieties and combinations of chilled and refrigerated foods. Click here to read the rest of the...
by wetoska | Mar 7, 2018 | News
Resealable packaging has been a marketplace staple for a good while now, marveling us with the coolness of its technologies and, yes, far too often frustrating us to no end. The fledgling intent was praiseworthy; the spotty performance was not. Click here to read the rest of the...
by wetoska | Feb 26, 2018 | News
We came across a very interesting article written by Chip Bolton on the discussion about using pre-made versus thermoformed trays. In today’s marketplace any discussion about trays quickly boils down to pre-made versus thermoformed. It’s as though there is a right and a wrong answer. There isn’t. Solid arguments can be made for both because each has its place. You can read the article on the Provisioner Online website. Click here to read...
by wetoska | Feb 5, 2016 | News
Keeping product on the shelf for as long as possible is one of the most challenging issues facing processors. Product can remain unsold on the shelf for many reasons, including unattractive packaging, discoloration and spoilage. According to a USDA Economic Research Service report, more than 2 billion pounds of meat and poultry are wasted at the retail level. Click here to read...
by wetoska | Feb 5, 2016 | News
Shoppers browsing the fresh meat cases in their local supermarkets have little idea of the influence they exert over the case-ready tray packaging displayed there. U.S. consumers have an uncanny, almost emotional connection to red meat that is red. We like our beef red and we like it in a seemingly bulletproof package. Both are influential quality cues that instill confidence and satisfaction. Purple meat just looks wrong, and a flimsy feeling tray is worrisome. Click here to read...